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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Timing Market Turns - Inquiries

I have numerous inquiries at Elite Trader and offline in the past. Offline questions are easy to answer because of the ability to have a conversation, whether by phone or by being with the inquirer at the time.

Many of the posts at Elite Trader were about how to do the timing loci or what the process is all about. The process/algorithms/data massaging is totally proprietary and won't be divulged. But, I would like to help people use this tool if I can.

So, if you have a question, then go ahead and post it here.

For example, a question about what do I mean by " such and such"

Yesterday had full bale of what happens after turning loci hit and a trade is in progress.

What I will do is to collect the questions and answer them in a single post- perhaps on a weekend - use some charts for illustrative purposes. If you give it a go, I will too.

Some readers have asked about books before and I have responded in various posts and also through Elite's Instant Message tool. Books are worth the time you spend. Somebody once said that you are the product of the books you read and the people you know.

So post up your comments or questions, and I'll have a go at them.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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