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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Market Timing - 02/20/2006

Timing for Swing Traders- No change - still 100% long

Timing for Investors - No change - still 100% long

We still believe that the February 24th/27th time locus dates point towards a high for the SPX and the Dow. The weakness of the NDX is evident as it is lagging in structure and price movement. ETF traders might consider SPY and DIA vehicles as more rewarding.

Alternatively, that NDX weakness will be prized in the near future as we see the market indexes make their respective tops. The NDX derivatives will most likely move downward faster and perhaps at a greater relative percentage rate than the senior indexes and their derivatives.

Blog Housekeeping - The 'Comment' tool is available for use as questions arise. I will answer them on the blog but will not publish your identity if you don't want. Just write something like - Don't Publish. All comments submitted are moderated, meaning that they are looked at by us before ever appearing on the blog.

We will soon have a website and email function for readers - we hope it is this week. Excuse our apparent awkward internet skills. We are receiving excellent help and advice from professionals in this medium. They are not the issue. It is our climb up the learning curve toward internet self-sufficiency that is just now beginning to accelerate.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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