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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Timing Market Turns - 03/29/2006

Market Timing - posted at 0550 EST

Swing trade - entering 100% long positions from today's open.

Investor core - entering 100% long positions from today's open.

Our data issue has been cured. We have ignored the currencies this evening to get this problem solved, and then run the numbers. Sometimes I see all this as trying to herd rattlesnakes in a dust storm.

We will enter 100% long in Swing and Investor core positions, at the open today, Wednesday, the 29th. Our stop will be set at SPX 1287, MIT.


If we are right about the 28th being a low locus timing point, the indexes may swish back and forth for a day or two before beginning a run upward toward SPX 1340. We may have caught the momentum low this time.

If an upward move begins from shortly after the open, as I expect, we would look for some minor intrady turn loci for some help to confirm that the downward correction still had more swishing to go about completing. We are looking at the 15 minute bars at 1145 EST and 1330 EST as two loci for signals. We will pop in here, of course, for some opinions.

If price breaks through support levels at or below our stop, we will see SPX 1270 quickly. Bob's your uncle! I'll venture a 10% chance of that occuring before topping SPX 1310 again.

More just prior to the open if it warrants.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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