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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Timing Market Turns Update – 03/07/2006

Market Timing for Traders and Investors – posted 1515 EST

We have entered orders to exit our short positions in both the swing positions and the core investment positions.

Anything not exited by 1545 EST will be closed with market on close (MOC).

We may enter a few longs with a very small allocation of swing assets on the opening tomorrow.

We will update before the open if we do any trade entry for tomorrow’s action.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

1 comment:

Brian said...

Dear WB,

I continue to follow your blog regularly and with great interest. Thank you for continuing to share with the rest of us. Your proprietary algorithms are really quite impressive. Based a remark you made a few weeks back about giving, I'd like to let you know that a significant portion of my trading profits, which have been 'enhanced' a number of times from your posts, go directly to charitable organizations to help the poor and those in need. It truely is a blessing to be able to give.

Thank you again, and God Bless.


(no need to post this, just a quick thank you)