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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Timing Market Turns Housekeeping - 04/26/2006

More Email Housekeeping -

Barry - look in junk/bulk mail folder, you were sent the email.

Goldspread - name please.

Ivy - no yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc.

At 0430 EDT - Everyone who requested inclusion by submitting your ISP email address and, your first and last name have been added. As you are added to the list, you are automatically sent an email with a link to verify your request for inclusion. Click on the link and you're in!

Previous post:

Those of you that have sent us your non-hotmail or non-yahoo email have been added to the email list. Please use the Comment link to request inclusion in the list.

We will test this email a few times before relying on its efficiency. You should have received a few emails already. Look in the Junk mail folder to be certain if you haven't received any within an hour of this posting.

Just comment again if you haven't received anything.

Note to Ivy - No yahoo addresses. Thank you.

God bless


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