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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Timing Market Turns - 06/08/2006

This information is for educational and informational purposes
only. The information and data that we trade on is based in the
various levels below. It is for our personal use and is shared
with you for solely informational purposes.

Many readers have requested to be added to our email list after it was closed temporarily. Your requests have been logged and will be the first to receive that opportunity when we re-open our membership. Please understand that the effort to build a secure and functional website is not as simple as one would think. We are in the last phase of building a scalable site and hub. It isn't fancy to look at but it will load fast on a 56k modem and be secure for any data sent to us. Also, when you pay for something exclusive, you want to be assured that it isn't showing up in conversation on the web.

We all here thank you for your interest. Please note that we firmly believe we are in a downward trending market for the next several months. We will have fabulous upward trends inside the major downtrend. But the overall view has to be downward for the next 12 to 18 months at minimum. This environment does not preclude an index or two making a new high (ex. Dow 30), but it isn't likely.

FYI - We entered short on the close of June 1 with partial positions in both Swing and Investor core, then added to that afterward. Although we missed selling the large drop from May 10th, we had tried to enter short position that were stopped out. We followed our discipline of "take a holiday" (in cash) after 3 losing trades in a row, and the market broke downward in the next few days. Tops are hard to pick.

We will try to update here in a few more days on the new site's status.

If you have not followed the requested format below in bold, your request for inclusion will be ignored. Re-submit and we will soon send you an email with further information.

God bless you all,

W. B. Busin

We are not accepting new membership applications until June 2006.

Anyone who wants to be included in a courtesy email when we re-open applications in June 2006, may do so here by entering through the Comments link. Your message will not be posted to the blog. All your information will remain private.

If you want to be on this courtesy email list for notification, then follow this format:

1. Your First name, Middle initial, Last Name
2. Your email address from your ISP (no hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc.; these will be ignored).

There will be a brief 2 or 3 day application period in June. If you miss this opportunity, or are not accepted in June, you may continue to apply.

Money managers, asset managers, brokers and other market professionals are welcome to apply. Investors and traders, market analysts and newcomers to the markets are equally welcome to apply for membership.

Membership is quite limited and membership acceptance is based on proprietary criteria.

We are soon moving to a fully web based medium. Currently, we are using an email service for daily and intraday updates.

Good Trading and God bless you all,

W. B. Busin

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