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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Timing Market Turns 2 - 04/13/2006

Market Timing for Daily and Intraday Trading Options, Futures and ETF's on SPX, NDX, and DJIA.

Swing trade - 100% cash positions. Short trade closed on Wednesday's close.

Investor core - 100% cash positions. Possible trade by Friday's close.

Sometimes the markets behave the way a trader expects. I have learned that as soon as that happens, I should expect that to stop abruptly. We didn't have anything change in our view of the indexes today, so I thought that I would post 4 more comments and respond to them in bold below the post. No names used, of course.

"Hello Mr. Busin,Excuse my ignorance, but when you ...

Excuse my ignorance, but when you state " Short trade closed on Wednesday's close." Do you mean right before the market close for the day or after the market close for the day? "

Yes. At the close.

"Hi WBI have no problem with $5 a day for first rat... Hi WB
I have no problem with $5 a day for first rate timing service. And more as a longer track record is established.

I hope, that for that price, you'll be able to provide intraday signals and not the clumsy (or should I say "less agile") end-of-day beginning-of-day Timertrac friendly signals."

If we do go to fee-based, you will have more data and information than you could use. :) We would also cover more than just the 3 indexes. We would poll readers for desired instruments and decide what to track from the information.

"Great call for closing out yesterday on the close.... Great call for closing out yesterday on the close.

Do you have your trade history posted anywhere farther back than what is posted on Timer Trac?


The TimerTrac trade record is all that is publicly available. If any non-TimerTrac members would like to see the exact record with times and dates, give us a comment here and I will post it after trading hours sometime next week.

Thank you all for the expressed gratitude. All of us here hope it has helped someone, so that we may reach others who need our help.

Hi Bill

First, I must thank you again for what has been an interesting and profitable experience. I enjoy both the commentary and the way you approach trading.

I support the idea of a fee-based service. It sounds from the tenor of your post that people may be objecting to some of the costs. However, as a veteran of many "so-called" trading services, one thing I think that people must understand is that we will pay not only for your systems, but also for your judgement. I have yet to find any "mechanical" system that remains robust over time. It needs a human with experience to help analyze the data. It takes much more time and effort for you to trigger a trade than for a mindless system.

My only advice would be not to be a slave to Timertrac. If the trade needs to be closed (or opened) now, why not just do it? You could always post something like: "closing trade now, otherwise hold until close and execute at our normal timertrac endpoint" that would allow people who want to use the verified system to use it that way, and the rest of us, who can take a peek from time to time, to close at the time that appears optimal. For what it's worth.

Thank you again!

NOTE: Someone who reads this blog is taking this information and re-selling it. That is wrong. Do not do that. First you will hurt others, and second you will be cut off from this information. I know who it is. Yes, I do. All will be forgiven if you take down the systems off that page. And, don't try that anymore.

I have a long standing friendship and relationship with Tiger International. They can count the the number of nits on a rat's back while it's crawling into its nest. Do not doubt that I will quickly find plagairizers and exact a cost much more dramatic than the few quid you will make.

Stop the systems you are selling. Send me an apology by Sunday night. If you do, all is forgiven and we will carry on as before.

Good Trading and God bless you all.

Happy Easter! He is risen.

W. B. Busin

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