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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Timing Market Turns 3 - 04/20/2006

Market Timing for Daily and Intraday Trading Options, Futures and ETF's on SPX, NDX, and DJIA.

Posted at 1630 EST

Our Swing position - 100% cash position again.

Our Investor core position - we will remain in cash till SPX 1290 is breached again.

You might think -

1. It can't get any more frustrating than these last few days.

2. The indexes will never stop their upward movement.

3. Where is the sell signal that I see?

This is what trading is like. You have runs of winners, and then your signals go unheeded by the markets. That just happens. I take my losses and move on to prepare for the next signal.

Yes, it is still a sell signal. Who will take it?

I'll run the data and post more at 1900 EST.

Previous posts:

Stops hit and we will exit this trade.

Suggest short position traders might want to exit immediately. We are wrong about direction.

We expect a slightly higher high intraday, then a lower close. We remain short in the Swing position and will allow for a minor touch of our stops.

All of indicators point toward a downward move - but extreme caution remains the watchword for today and tomorrow as this expiration week ends.
Good Trading and God bless you.

W. B. Busin

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