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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Timing Market Turns - 04/08/2006

The point of this is to simplify and shorten our work load. If this scroling script works for you and us, the updating process could be so much shorter than the normal 10-12 minutes to get all things formated, aligned, etc.

Please refresh the page. We are trying to make the script scroll upwards or downwards. Our techno assistant is unavailable at this moment.

direction="up" loop="true" width="35%">

We will continue to work on this. Tomorrow, we will post a view of our IF/THEN strategy we will employ early next week. Thank you for bearing with this testing. God bless. WBB

To keep the scroll trimmed and brief, we can edit the scroll and paste it in this same post such as this:

From the scroll -
I want to find a faster and easier way to update during the trading hours. What do you think? If YOU like this then give us a comment or do nothing. If it is not visible, then you won't know what we are discussing. :)

Look!! I can enter new text very quickly and speed up the scrolling speed too.
So during the trading hours,
we can post our information like this:
Time Locus 5@ 1315-20, 1345, 1425.

We are also trying an auto refresh script
as a way to keep readers
from having to do this themselves.

We will also use this same scroll
on the other 3 sites.
You will see their links posted
in the sidebar just below the sponsors.

We can also include Links
in this scroll that can be clicked on like this one to the SPX blog. Click here.

Time Locus 5@ 1315-20, 1345, 1425 means, an intraday time locus turn point on a 5 minute bar chart will be seen at 1315-1320 EST, and another at 1345 EST, and another at 1425 EST.


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