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Friday, April 07, 2006

Timing Market Turns 4 - 04/07/2006

Market Timing - posted at 1550 EST

Swing trade - SPX 1298 stop hit - 100% cash positions.

Investor core - SPX 1298 stop hit - 100% cash positions.

A small gap at SPX 1301 was just covered. I expect the 1100 EST to be a high.

1145 would then likely be a low.

We have moved to a full cash position. The trades are executed at the respective index's closing price.

Looking at the three indexes and their structures will explain why we have separated them into different blogs. We will also trade them separately on TimerTrac. The system lost on the Dow trade, made a few points on the SPX and approximately 50 pints for the NDX trade.

It is further evidence of different structures setting into a top formation.

More after 1630-45 EST.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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