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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Timing Market Turns 7 - 04/05/2006

Blogger has a maintenace outage scheduled for 2000 EST for 45 minutes.

Market Timing - posted at 1956 EST

Swing trade - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1298.

Investor core - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1298.

The major factor as the SPX approaches the April 11th time locus for a major turn. It appears that the date will be a high as we predicted nearly 3 months ago. The four days left must only move 21 points to reach a specific SPX 1233 target. The structure of the upward movement is missing too many characteristics of a pulsive movement. It has too many corrective characteristics.

Look at the chart below:
The indexes do not all move in the same step nor are their structures complete. The major question for the rest of 2006 and most of 2007 is not about the depth of the coming downward correction. The question must be, what will the structure and shape of the correction look like at year end. That picture will give the answer to how deep the ultimate decline will be. I'll be finishing that explanation after the turn is made next week.

Comparison of $SPX,$NYA,$NDX,$INDU,$SOX,$RUT

Time loci for Turns for tomorrow's open - 0940, 0945 and 1015

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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