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Monday, April 03, 2006

Timing Market Turns 6 - 04/03/2006

Market Timing - posted at 1545 EST

Swing trade - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1290.

Investor core - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1290.

Time loci for the 15 minute timeframe have ascended higher and faster for today. I do find a 5 minute locus at 1435 which aligns with a 15 minute locus at 1445 EST.
I expect the first to be a low and the second to be a high as the upward move continues today.

The structure and volume requires more time and more downward or lateral action in price at 1445 EST. We suspect it will be mostly downward. Remember - tops are formed during distribution of stock from the hands of smart money to the hands of less smart money.

Gaps will not be ignored for too long will they. No worries, whipsaws are the common traders nightmare but not mine. I see elephants in the room with that size of an exchange aided opening gap.

If it closes today, all the better isn't it.

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More after 1530 EST.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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