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Daily Index Sentiment Graph - (1 day delay -updated by 0800 EDT of next trading day)

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Timing Market Turns - 05/02/2006

This information is for educational and informational purposes
only. The information and data that we trade on is based in the
various levels below. It is for our personal use and is shared
with you for solely informational purposes.

We are having technical difficulties with the email list, and the vendor is working to find out why.

As soon as the issue is cleared up, we will send a broadcast message. Meanwhile, here are the morning's numbers.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

ISM Non-Mfg Survey- 1000 EDT
Factory Orders- 1000 EDT
EIA Petroleum- 1030 EDT

Our Daily Parameter Metrics-


Support - 130.1 41.32 113.2/112.75

Resistance - 131.40 42.30 114.2

Stop Loss -

Profit Target -


Support - 1305/1300 1700/1685 11325/11300

Resistance - 1313/17/19 1715/1732 11435

Stop Loss -

Profit Target -