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Monday, February 13, 2006

Market Timing - 02/13/2006

Timing Market Turns - 0915 EST

We are establishing a 100% long core investment position this morning.

We don't expect a vertical upward run, but the entry is enough off of the Friday high to give us some cushion.

The stop levels are comfortably below the Friday lows. The exception is the Dow and its derivatives. It is much lower due to the gap on 01/25.

This swing upward is most likely the last chance for making new all time highs on the Dow. The time locus of February 24th/27th (both days have gained prominence) could be the turn to take all your investment monies off the table and await the April lower high to create hedges or short your index of choice. March 13th now appears to be developing as a low time locus.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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