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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Timing Market Turns – 03/07/2006

Market Timing – posted 0918 EST

We have considered and then rejected taking profits today at the open. We have been expecting a modest upward move but from the SPX 1270 level. The time locus for early Wednesday appears prominently and is rising. We have concluded that a small move upward should start then.

If the indexes continue this slide toward SPX 1270 (or even lower) today, we will take profits in ALL our positions, both swing and core investment, near the close.

We still expect to move further downward toward the SPX 1250 level as the March 13th time locus approaches. That time locus should reveal a momentum low and potentially the price low in some indexes. The upward move from this future low should be the final part of the upward move that began three years ago.

We have earlier stated that SPX 1335 is our target for the final high. We still believe that to be the level that will stop this upward move on April 11, 2006.

We cannot possibly over-emphasize the following suggestion to investors. Please use this last upward move into April 11th to get out, or into inverse index funds that take advantage of market declines.

We expect the first movement downward after the April 11th high mark to be swift and deep. We will not be surprised to see 100 S&P 500 points lost in just a few days.

We hope this adds reason to the uncharacteristic trading of the core investor position. It usually has a much longer holding period than the swing position. But when we know that we are approaching a major market high, we prefer to be taking a position and then protecting profits or just simply taking the profit.

Please make your own investment and trading decisions. But make them soon.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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