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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Timing Market Turns – 03/22/2006

Market Timing - posted at 1525 EST

Swing trade - still 100% short, as of the open on Monday, March 20th.

Investor core - still in 100% cash

Edit @ 1745 - The core position is now 100% short. Stop at SPX 1310.

We will enter 100% short in the Core investment at the close today in the TT. We expect to see SPX 1270 and lower before the next upward swing. Yes, this is not a normal use of investment class funds. We will protect them with tight stop levels, as this is a somewhat risky use of those funds.

We will update within 2 hours, after the close, if necessary.

Yesterday, we discussed the gap at SPX 1306. It has vanished! They are being cheeky with charts, aren't they? Now there are gaps at 1304 (covered today) and 1308. Whether we see the index at 1308 this week is unknown, but possible.

We have not changed our targets for support of 1280, 1270 and 1245-50 for the SPX.

Answer to reader - Our signals fro the SPX, Dow and NDX are taken from the SPX series of signals. For our ease, we trade all three signals as one at TT. So if we do enter short in the core investment position, all three will be 100% short.

In the near future on the website, we will separate the signals and add a day trading signal to the stew. TimerTrac does not track day trading, or what I would describe as intraday round trip trades. So we will have to track those in a database on the website. It will be more work for us.

As to the website, I should write a book! :) But it would bore you with legal and technical rubbish. I would title it, "Pain!" It will be up soon. I won't let it be the typical standard web issue type of site. If it isn't secure and still easy to use, it won't be on our website!

The home page may surprise most readers here. Keep coming around here for updates.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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