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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Timing Market Turns 4 - 04/20/2006

Market Timing for Daily and Intraday Trading Options, Futures and ETF's on SPX, NDX, and DJIA.

Posted at 1920 EST

Our Swing position - 100% cash position again.

Our Investor core position - we will remain in cash till SPX 1290 is breached again.

Given the several time loci due this week and early next week,
Given the dull-to-hyper phases of option expiration weeks (some traders call it 'manipulation'),
Given the bearish state of breadth and sentiment indicators,
Given the pulsive upward movement in the last 3 days,
Given the 3rd daily sell signal today (the first 2 were wrong),
Given the unsustainable slope of the upward move,
Given the two losing trades in a row for the system,
Given the system is still in an unmoved sell phase(quite unusual)
Given the non-trending character of this upward move,
Given sundry other aspects in the internals,

I can't be bullish, short term or longer term.
I have a rule in my daily trading (not intraday trading) that delays my next trade by at least by one day if I have 2 consecutive losing trades.

That means that tomorrow's close is the first eligible time to trade through the TimerTrac.com sytem.

We stay in cash at tomorrow's open even if it gaps 10 points downward atthe open (quite improbable).

Expiration Fridays are often the least active day of an expiration week.

We will stand in cash for tomorrow.


Previous posts:

You might think -

1. It can't get any more frustrating than these last few days.

2. The indexes will never stop their upward movement.

3. Where is the sell signal that I see?

This is what trading is like. You have runs of winners, and then your signals go unheeded by the markets. That just happens. I take my losses and move on to prepare for the next signal.

Yes, it is still a sell signal. Who will take it?

Good Trading and God bless you.

W. B. Busin

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