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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Timing Market Turns 4 - 04/25/2006

The new emails submitted this morning have been added and a verification email has been sent. You will receive this morning's broadcast after you click that verification link. Be patient, we are new at this email list communications. -:)

Thank you all for your cooperative spirits. You will soon learn why we have requested your ISP emails and your first and last names. We will be adding coverages of a variety of instruments of interest to you. Yes, we do have plans. -:)

Charter List you have mail at 1200 EDT

We are adding requests as they are submitted. We are including the previous messages in the updates today, at 1430 and 1545 EDT.

Ivy - an ISP email is from the phone company, the cable company or some other access provider.

WE omitted the first support level for QQQQ for today. It is 41.65 . The figures in the message are resistance. We will correct at the 1430 update.


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