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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

W.B. Busin Broadcast - Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Today is Wednesday, March 7, 2007

This information is for educational and informational purposes only. The information and data that we trade on is based in the various levels below. It is for our personal use and is shared with you for solely informational purposes.
We will update each Monday morning before the open (Tuesday, if market is closed Monday), Wednesday afternoon before the closing, and Friday midday. We will also inject updates when we see sound trend changes that can be tradable.
This is our preferred frequency and will be our basic service that will be available at the website. We will send a few messages between those as events and action may change our view.


1205 ET March 7, 2007

The email service has been 'down' since 0300 ET when we tried to send a message to you. They are having trouble and I don't know when they will be online again.

Look at your email from the afternoon message on March 5th. The bias for the time loci that we are expecting in the second paragraph is now the opposite.

If the email service is not functioning by 1530 ET, we will post here with any position changes.

Thank you for your patience.

God bless all of you.

W. B. Busin

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