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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Timing Market Turns 5 - 03/30/2006

Market Timing - posted at 1425 EST

Swing trade - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1290.

Investor core - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1290.

The high and a low arrived in the time window. Instead of a turning upward, we see the low turn at 1400 EST.

When the expected low off 5 moves downward actually is a high, the probability of seeing lower lows is rare. We should move considerably higher into the close. To be sure of higher prices this afternoon, SPX 1304 must be overtaken.

Don't forget to give the ad sponsors a look.

More at 1430 EST.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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