Welcome to the Blog of the W. B. Busin Group Publishing.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Timing Market Turns - 04/05/2006

Market Timing - posted at 0445 EST

Swing trade - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1290.

Investor core - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1290.

We want to show our readers a fair bit more of the specific indexes we are trading. Most investors and traders follow all the broad indexes. Many trade based on only one or two indexes. We have set up blog sites for each of the three indexes, the SPX, the DOW and the NDX.

The blog sites won't be actively getting intraday posts till we get a logical and organized routine. We will continue to post here even after the three new sites get started.

We will use this site for a variety of other indexes and traded instruments.

In the fast markets certain to come this way after the highs are in, it will help to centralize posting to one site for those brief periods. We can use this site for that environment.

Here are the blog sites:

Timing Dow Market Turns

Timing NDX Market Turns

Timing SPX Market Turns

Go have a look, and mark them up in the browser favorites. Comments are always welcome and not published if you ask so.

We will update during the presession if needed.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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