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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Timing Market Turns 4 - 04/04/2006

Market Timing - posted at Midnight EST

Swing trade - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1290.

Investor core - 100% long positions; stop for all positions to SPX 1290.

We expect the upward move to progress through tomorrow's afternoon session. We no longer have expectations of a powerful upward move lasting multiple days. The intraday structure has shown signals of transformation to "ratchet and spike" behavior. This is not uncommon but it does make volume studies more complicated.

A strategy we may use in this environment is to set a target for each index position and take 50% or even 100% of the position to a cash position. We will let the indexes push that agenda by their action before the next major time locus on April 11th. Or, we may move the stops up much closer to the current range before the 11th.

Announcement: By tomorrow morning EST, we will have some new "progress" to share with all our mates here. No, C.C., it's not the website! -:)) We believe it will be an improvement, even as it will be much more work for all of us. We think our readers are fabulous. You have shown us your gratitude by your encouraging comments and supporting our sponsors. May God bless all of you. Thank you.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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