Welcome to the Blog of the W. B. Busin Group Publishing.

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Daily Index Sentiment Graph - (1 day delay -updated by 0800 EDT of next trading day)

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Timing Market Turns - 04/10/2006

Market Timing Intraday

Swing trade - SPX 1298 stop hit - 100% cash positions.

Investor core - SPX 1298 stop hit - 100% cash positions.

Please refresh your browser to update the scrolling marquee.

direction="up" loop="true" width="35%">

Wrap up and tomorrow's strategy by 2200 EST - - Thanks for your support and comments today. We will also reply to the comments about the scroll. It is a change that is necessary, but not yet in its final form. Pop back in at 2200 tonight. :) TOO FAST??

direction="up" loop="true" width="35%">

CURRENT POSITIONS - Swing trade - SPX 1298 stop hit - 100% cash positions.
Investor core - SPX 1298 stop hit - 100% cash positions.

Swing trade -100% cash positions. SPX 1298 stop hit -
Investor core - 100% cash positions. SPX 1298 stop hit -

Through the day we will move from the scroll, the text that is no longer necessary and paste down below exactly as it was in the scroll.

Items removed from scroll today:

@1545]We will stay in cash at the close today. No new trade in the Swing or Investor @1525] Unless price moves upward toward the SPX 1308-1312 level, we will take no action. Even if that occurs, structure will likely be incomplete. @1500] Intraday buy signals are still lacking volume but may change soon - - @1440]Resistance at SPX 1302-3, then 1306-08 - -
@1235]TLP5 - 1315,1340-45,1430-35,1510 upwards toward the 1510 - might see some price strength if the volume increases. We are preparing to sell these indexes with a stable structure at or near completion at the close today.

We will update here before the Monday open. The time of a post will be indicated and separated from comments and locus turn times by a bracket like this: 1425] TLP5 - 1450,1520,1540. Meaning, the time of the update was at 1435 EST for Time Locus Points for 5 minute bars (TLP15= 15 minute bars) which begin at the stated time, ex. 1450 EST. God bless. WBB
It seems Blogger's antispam blogging barrier is preventing us from easily using the other three blog just yet. We will be patient as we watch the indexes attempt an upward bias. We will post here till the Blogger issue resolves.

Good Trading and God bless

W. B. Busin

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