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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Timing Market Turns 04/12/2006

Market Timing for Daily and Intraday Trading Options, Futures and ETF's on SPX, NDX, and DJIA.

Swing trade - 100% short positions. Stop is set at SPX 1303.

Investor core - 100% cash positions. Possible trade by Thursday's close.

@1525 - We expect the SPX to sell off into midday tomorrow downward towards our stated target of SPX 1275. The turn from that locus point may be quite strong. Since no significant upward move has occurred today, we will close all Swing positions at the close. We will have this environment for many weeks to come - upward for 1 to 3 days, then downward for 2 to 5 days.

Keep the comments coming please. They have been excellent. Nobody, including me, can see any of your information, such as email address, when you 'sign up' to be able to comment. If I want to respond to a comment, I first must publish it and then sign in to Blogger to enter my comment. It is that secure. That is the reason I respond in general form on the blog.

I will address the varying opinions and suggestions this evening or tomorrow. We continue to suffer an outpouring of saturating rains.

@1330 - will do wrapup after the close. Expect any upward move to be completed by the close.

@1100 - lateral to upward drift should keep market struggling till 1300 EST. Update after 1300 EST, or sooner if necessary.

We are considering a different form or model for raising revenues for ourp stated purposes. A subscription model seems the most likely type if this adverising is not yielding enough. $5 to $8 per day is reasonable isn't it. It is probably not what
the going market for newsletters or other advisories charge.

@1000 EST - gap at SPX 1292.50 will be the first target for the morning session

I will add these to the respective blogs later on.

SPX - Target 1275-8; stop 1303
NDX - Target 1650-56; stop 1770
DJIA - Target 10875, maybe 10830; stop 11300

I will update after 1000 EST

Good Trading and God bless you.

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